Movers and Shakers | 14 January 2022

Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: A new German MEP, Romania’s new Permanent Representative to the EU, the new Dutch government, and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

14 Jan 2022


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European Parliament

MEP News
Karsten Lucke (S&D, DE) has replaced Norbert Neuser (S&D, DE).
David Sassoli (S&D, IT) died this week at the age of 65 after struggling with ill health for months.
Liesje Schreinemacher (RE, NL)
has left Parliament to join the new Dutch government as the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

Other EU Institutions and Agencies

Permanent Representations

Joke Bamps replaces Arno Cnudde as an Attaché (Transport and Mobility) in the Flemish Community/Region.
Maarten Libeer is no longer an Attaché (Finance and Budget) in the Flemish Community/Region.
Jan Offner is the Flemish Economic Representative.

Iulia Matei is the new Permanent Representative to the EU (COREPER II).

Ivan Mikuž replaces Milan Žurman as the Military Representative to EU Military Committee.
Damijan Fišer is no longer the Spokesperson.

Got a new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Click here to let us know about it!

National News

Ioannis Kasoulidis replaces Nikos Christodoulides as Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The new centrist D66, liberal VVD, Christian Democratic CDA and the Christian Union government will contain the following:

The two new Deputy Prime Ministers are Sigrid Kaag and Wopke Hoekstra. Kaag has replaced Hoekstra as the Minister for Finance while Hoekstra replaces Ben Knapen as the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Carola Schouten, Deputy Prime Minister, is the new Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions while Henk Staghouwer takes over her previous role as Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Dilan Yeṣilgöz-Zegerius replaces Ferdinand Grapperhaus as the Minister for Justice and Security while Hanke Bruins Slot replaces Kajsa Ollongren as Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Robbert Dijkgraaf replaces Ingrid Van Engelshoven as the Minister for Education, Culture and Science.

Kajsa Ollongren replaces Henk Kamp as the Minister for Defence. Mark Harbers replaces Barbara Visser as the Minister for Infrastructure and Water Management. Micky Adriaansens replaces Stef Blok as the Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Karien van Gennip replaces Wouter Koolmees as the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment. Ernst Kuipers replaces Hugo de Jonge as the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport who is now the Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning. Liesje Schreinemacher replaces Tom de Bruijn as the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. Franc Weerwind replaces Sander Dekker as the Minister for Legal Protection. Dennis Wiersma replaces Arie Slob as the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and Media.

Rob Jetten is the Minister for Climate and Energy, Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink is the Minister for Nature and Nitrogen and Conny Helder is the Minister for Long-term Care and Sport.

Stay tuned next week for our guide to the new European Parliament presidency.

Want to know more? Click here for more information on our Dods People EU service.

Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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