Today's Movers & Shakers are about: MEPs news, latest appointments in the European Commission and public affairs, the reshuffle in the European External Action Service, Brexit and more.
European Parliament:
Julie GIRLING (EPP, UK) was elected as deputy EPP group coordinator for the committee on environment, public health and food safety (ENVI).
MEPs’ news:
Rachida DATI (EPP, FR) was selected as candidate for the selection panel of the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which will select and appoint the European chief prosecutor and the European prosecutors.
During a fact-finding mission from 24 to 28 March S&D group members visited Israel and Palestine, where they met with sister parties and representatives from the civil society and the government from both sides. They called for an end to the Israeli settlements and the West Bank outposts and urged the EU to support the civil society organisations to work for peace.
Composition of the committees and delegations:
Jiří PAYNE (EFDD, CZ) joined the committee on foreign affairs (AFET), replacing Laura FERRARA (EFDD, IT).
Advancement of good practices in recycling of steel for packaging:
APEAL (the Association of European Producers of Steel) and the Parliament Magazine, are organising a high-level conference focused on the advancement of good practices in recycling of steel for packaging.
The conference will take place on Wednesday 11 April 2018, Thon Hotel EU, from 09:00 to 17:00 followed by an evening reception until 18:30.
The theme of this event will focus on the role of recycling in the transition towards a more circular economy in Europe. Specific attention will be given to how policymakers and stakeholders can work together to fully close the loop on steel packaging recycling in all countries in Europe. This will be illustrated by concrete examples drawn from the APEAL White Book of good practices in collection, sorting and recycling of steel packaging.
The speakers include:
- Tibor SZANYI MEP (S&D, HU)
- Gwenole COZIGOU, DG GROW, European Commission
- Julius LANGENDORFF, DG Environment, European Commission
- Eve TAMME, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
- Stephane TONDO, APEAL
- Joachim QUODEN, Expra
- Bill BOYD, Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association (MPMA)
The objective is to highlight the importance of the circular economy for Europe and how, if Europe is to move towards a more resource efficient future, recycling will be crucial in helping EU member states to achieve the objectives of the circular economy package.
For further information and to register your interest, please contact the events team: | +44 207 593 5672
European Commission:
Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO):
Directorate A- Emergency Management: Rodrigo VILA DE BENAVENT has left his role as Adviser.
Directorate B – Europe, Eastern Neighborhood and Middle East: Martin TASCHNER took over Juha AUVINEN as acting Head of Unit, Eastern Neighborhood. He is also the deputy Head of the Unit. Juha AUVINEN was appointed as Head of Unit, Middle East, replacing Hervé DELPHIN.
Directorate C – Africa, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific: Irene HOREJS was appointed as Head of Unit, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean, Pacific, replacing Martin LANDGRAF who was acting in the role.
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Justice and Consumer affairs (JUST):
Directorate E- Consumer and marketing law: Blanca RODRIGUEZ GALINDO was appointed as the new Head of Unit, replacing Peter BISCHOFF-EVERDING who was acting the role.
Special advisers:
Professors Heike SCHWEITZER, Jacques CRÉMER and assistant professor Yves-Alexandre DE MONTJOYE were appointed as special advisers to Commissioner for competition Margrethe VESTAGER from 1 April to 31 March 2019. In their new roles, they will be working on a report on the future challenges of digitalisation for competition policy from an economic and technical perspective. The report is expected to be delivered by 31 March 2019 and an open conference will be organised on the topic on 17 January 2019.
European External Action Service (EEAS):
High Representative Federica MOGHERINI announced the following senior appointments:
Middle East and North Africa Directorate: Fernando GENTILINI, currently EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, was appointed as Managing Director, replacing Colin SCICLUNA who is acting in the role.
Human resources: Belén MARTINEZ CARBONELL, currently head of the policy coordination division, was appointed as the new director, replacing Björn LARSSON.
Security and Infrastructure: Björn LARSSON, currently director for human resources, was appointed as the new director, replacing Patricia LLOMBART CUSSAC.
Budget and Support: Philippe RUYS, currently head of the information technology division, was appointed as the new director.
EU Delegation to Colombia: Patricia LLOMBART CUSSAC (previously director of the former security, budget and information technology) was appointed as head of the delegation.
Public affairs:
Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!
BOLDT: Katarina WALLIN BUREAU joined the Brussels team as partner. In her new role, she will be leading the consultancy’s corporate purpose and leadership business and will be focusing on work with foundations and cause-related campaigns. Prior to her appointment she was chief operating officer of Burson-Marsteller EMEA.
IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs: Gabriela DOINA has joined the Brussels office. A Moldovan and Romanian national, Gabriela recently completed an internship in European Commission Vice-President Andrus ANSIP's cabinet.
News in a nutshell:
Brexit: 29 March marked a year since the UK activated Article 50 and a year before the country leaves the EU. Prime Minister Theresa MAY is on tour in the four nations to promote her post-Brexit vision.
The debate in the UK was mainly dominated by the revelations that Vote Leave broke strict spending limits during the EU referendum campaign by funnelling cash to another pro-Brexit group, according to a whistleblower.
Elsewhere, UK Home Secretary Amber RUDD admitted that the Cabinet had not talked about post-Brexit immigration plans and proposals might not be brought forward until after the UK and EU agree a final Brexit deal.
In citizens' rights news, the Lords EU Committee warned that there was no guarantee for the UK citizens that access to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme and rights to urgent medical treatment in the EU would continue once Britain quits the bloc. During a conference that was co-hosted by New Europeans, a group that campaigns for citizens’ rights after Brexit concerns were expressed about the impact of Brexit on human rights. According to campaigners a range of human rights issues, such as disability and family rights, data protection, employment rights and the right to a fair trial are under threat for both EU and UK citizens after Brexit.