Eurozone 'killed by hyperregulation and misguided policies'

Further EU integration would exacerbate Europe’s ‘democratic deficit’ and ‘centralist political structure’, says EFDD co-president

By Nigel Farage

10 Sep 2014

Unlike most other groups in the European parliament, the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) group allows national delegations to vote as they freely choose according to their own ideology, political preference and national interest. For the EFDD is a group and not a political party. It is a strategic and pragmatic choice. It is not programmatic. Each party within the group is free to choose their own voting pattern, ideological direction etc.

Of course the EFDD is cemented together by strong adherence to core political principles. Our group favours an open, transparent, democratic and accountable cooperation among sovereign European states and rejects the bureaucratisation of Europe and the creation of a single centralised European super state.

"UKIP believes that Britain has a global future and need not continue to suffer economically by being shackled to the corpse of the eurozone, a body which has been killed by hyper-regulation and misguided policies"

The EFDD opposes further European integration (including treaties and policies) that would exacerbate the present democratic deficit and the centralist political structure of the EU. We believe that the peoples and nations of Europe have the right to protect their borders and strengthen their own historical, traditional, religious and cultural values.

Speaking from a UKIP perspective, I will confirm we will do everything in our power to protect the interests of British industry, fisheries and the financial services industry. As a major sector of the British economy, the financial services sector is being constrained and hurt by EU regulators. We will do everything possible to reverse this situation. In regards foreign policy, UKIP are completely opposed to the jingoistic and imperialist manoeuvres in Ukraine. The EU has been needlessly provocative in supporting the Ukrainians to topple their legitimately elected president. It is this bellicose action which has engendered conflict with Russian peoples in the east of Ukraine.

UKIP believes that Britain has a global future and need not continue to suffer economically by being shackled to the corpse of the eurozone, a body which has been killed by hyper-regulation and misguided policies.

The UK will cooperate with international bodies such as the UN, the G20, G7 and in the future, as full voting members of the world trade organisation, to tackle common economic problems. I personally think that while commission president elect Jean-Claude Juncker has shown he is a capable political operator, his skills will not be enough to extricate the EU from the direction it has taken – the centralisation of power and economic stagnation.

Talking of economic stagnation, just as France is reaping the whirlwind after voting in a Socialist president, the people of Italy, I fear, may be in for some turbulent economic times while prime minister Matteo Renzi is at the helm of their ship. While he talks a good fight, and is quite presentable in front of a TV camera, his economic policies, especially his support for the euro project will continue to do great harm to the Italian economy.

In regards the new commission which is currently taking shape, it has been whispered that the UK’s commission nominee Jonathan Hill may be given the internal market post. This is a junior portfolio stripped of important powers in the financial industry which Britain needs to protect. As one of the largest and wealthiest countries in Europe, the UK should be getting a more substantial post. It appears that Cameron has been humiliated by Juncker. Alternatively, if as floated today, Hill is given the climate and energy portfolio then it will just be a straight insult to the British people. It will then be clear to all that EU reform is not possible, and that Britain is better off out of the EU.

Read the most recent articles written by Nigel Farage - Nigel Farage: Theresa May has failed before and she will fail again on Brexit talks