The Parliament Magazine
Avenue des Arts 44
1040 Brussels

Freelance journalists are welcome to pitch original features, interviews and book reviews:

Opinion contributions:
We get a lot of questions about how to contribute an opinion piece (i.e. an op-ed) to The Parliament

Generally, we will reach out to you if we think that the timing is right and/or if we’re focusing on a topic about which you have special authority.

However, if you think there’s a timely issue about which you’re well placed to weigh in, feel free to send us a short pitch. 

We look for unique, carefully considered arguments authored by people (not institutions) who have a clear authority to weigh in on the particular subject about which they’re writing. The current news cycle and timing with our own editorial calendar are also important factors that play a role in deciding whether an opinion contribution is a good fit for us. 

We fact check all op-eds, and we have specific word counts that we will discuss with you before commissioning your contribution. 

We only accept op-eds that are exclusive to us. Your contribution cannot have been published in print or online anywhere else, including in other languages.

The editorial team will never ask you to pay to contribute an op-ed to our magazine or website. 

Our commercial team sometimes accepts paid contributions. These paid contributions are labeled “COMMERCIAL CONTENT” in our print magazine and “PARTNER CONTENT” on our website.

Letters to the editor and requests for corrections can be sent to:

For commerical, events and non-editorial enquiries:

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T: +44 (0) 137 185 1895


T: +44 (0) 207 593 5669

Website & Magazine Publisher

Publishing Director: Daniel Bond